"The tightness of the choreography was incredible and the vocals majestic..." ~Broadway World
Photo: Darren Lee
“It’s astonishing. It really does have it all! Visually it’s stunning, the costumes are beautiful, the orchestra is magnificent, the acting is great, and the dancing is brilliant. It’s a win win win win win situation.”
~Michael Bruno, Channel 3000
Gutierrez …, Joshua K. A. Johnson … and Nicolas Dromard …each shine in their roles … the incredibly versatile Christopher deProphetis also deserves top billing. …They acquit themselves handily as true triple threats -- each demonstrating strong singing voices with dramatically large ranges, a knack for broad, musical theater characterizations and stunning dance moves, from soaring heel clicks to balletic spins.
~Gwendolyn Rice
Director: Josh Walden
Music Director: Andrew Abrams
Sets: Keith Pitts
Costumes: Karen Brown-Larimore
Eddie Gutierrez* Gabey
Paige Sabro, Ivy Smith
Joshua K.A. Johnson, Chip
Lizzie Cutrupi, Hildy
Nicolas Dromard*, Ozzie
Abby Nichols, Claire DeLoone
Gail Becker*, Madame Dilly
Christopher DeProphetis*, Pitkin
"Capital City Theatre's ON THE TOWN packs a playful punch with gorgeous vocals, high-energy dancing, and hilarious scenes that kept the audience laughing Friday night.
... In fact, all the dances felt innovative and fresh thanks to the skilled direction of Director/Choreographer, Josh Walden. Walden embeds energy, heart and humor into every scene. On the Town never slows."
~Broadway World
“The sailors land onshore giddy with freedom, shouting, “New York, New York, it’s a helluva town!” I can echo that. Seeing this show look so fresh and lively in the Capitol Theater, 75 years after it opened on Broadway, is a helluva treat."
…recent Oklahoma City University grad Cutrupi whose energy and sizzling sex appeal steals every scene.
~Gwendolyn Rice
“OK. Let's get serious. You absolutley MUST see this amazing production. EVERYTHING is magnificently done. Bravos to Andrew Abrams and his astounding orchestra. Brilliant performances by Eddie Gutierrez, Joshua Johnson, Nicolas Drommard, Lizzie Cutrupi, Paige Sabo, Christopher Deprophetis,Sabra Michelle, Gail Becker, Abby Nichols, Jackson Warring. The direction and choreography by Josh Walden is perfection. Sets, costumes, hairstyles are vintage bliss. GO SEE THIS SHOW.”
~Michael Bruno
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“Our vision is that people will travel from down the street and from around the world to experience Capital City Theatre. Area residents, students who attend classes, and vacationing audience members will immerse themselves in the world of Madison’s imagination.”
— Andrew Abrams, Artistic Director