Support the Conservatory

Support the Conservatory

from $10.00

You can help us build the Capital City Theatre Conservatory and fulfill our vision of becoming a destination school for performing artists, backstage artists, and technicians.

If you set up a scholarship, your company and scholarship will be listed on a web page in our Conservatory section.

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About the Capital City Theatre Conservatory

Capital City Theatre Conservatory (CCTC) is an accomplished musical theatre training program, located right in the heart of the Midwest. Our top-level instruction bridges the gap between youth and adult skill sets, and primes those individuals who are looking to take the next step and build a professional musical theatre career. We employ a holistic approach that encompasses the major disciplines of singing, acting, dancing and other stage crafts.

CCTC offers courses, workshops, and intensives providing unique and comprehensive opportunities. We are committed to serving all communities and economic backgrounds with adjustable financial responsibilities. CCTC helps refine well-balanced artists who exude confidence, creativity, and collaborative skills and are fully prepared to grow into future generations of musical theatre career professionals and specialists.